Is converting its users into buyers effectively? is one of the largest e-commerce company in Belgium. It is ranked 71 among the top websites in Belgium. 3 million users visit this site every month. But, only 2.2% of these users buy products. We rate its effectiveness 5.1 out of 10. [1]
Visitors 3 million |
Registered 13% |
Enagaged 10% |
Buyers 2.2% |
Anonymous - 87% |
Unengaged - 90% |
Abandoned - 97.8% |
Conversion Stats
- Traffic: 3 million visitors every month through SEO/Ads/Retargeting.
- Signups: 87% of visitors stay anonymous. Only 13% of them sign up.
- Engagement: 90% of registered users don't engage. Only 10% of them add products to cart.
- Conversion: Of the 10% users who add to cart, only 2.2% of them buy.
Comparing with its peers
We have classified as a samaritan in its marketing effectiveness, when compared to its peers in Belgium. It has relatively better engagement when compared sign ups.
It has 2 main bottlenecks in its marketing effectiveness:
1. Signups: 87% vistors don't signup
A huge number of the users who visit do not sign up. This is especially prominent in mobile website, where 91.4% of users don't signup. Without user's identity, the products are not personalized for individual users and there is no further chance of engaging the user through email. This causes the largest conversion drop off at
2. Engagement: 90% visitors don't engage
90% of the visitors who visit don't add products to the cart. An average user visits the site atleast 3 times before making the buying the decision. Currently, sends few emails (like cart recovery email) to re-enagage users. This inability to bring back registered users through personalized recommendations causes the second biggest drop off in conversion.
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Disclaimer: This report is created by Guesswork Research Team based on the publicly available traffic data. We use this data to predict the internal metrics of e-commerce companies using our machine learning algorithm. These are indicative numbers. If you have any questions or feedback on this report, please write to us at